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Job vacancy

Review 2024

New Paper

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We have a vacancy within the Geomagnetism Team. We are looking to recruit a Geomagnetic and Space Weather IT Specialist for 3 years (apply by 16th August 2024).

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Read our review of the Geomagnetism Team's activities in 2024.

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Dr Juliane Huebert has published a paper about differential magnetometer measurements of geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in a complex High Voltage network. This work was developed through the SWIGS (Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems) project.

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  • Blog - Geomagnetism Capability new funding
  • Vacancy - Geomagnetic and Space Weather IT Specialist - Apply by 16th August
  • Report - The US/UK World Magnetic Model for 2024-2025 (2024)
  • Paper - A global climatological model of extreme geomagnetic field fluctuations (2024)

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The Geomagnetism team measures, records, models and interprets variations in the Earth’s natural magnetic fields.

Our data and expertise help to develop scientific understanding of change in the Earth and the environment, from deep within the core out into space.

We also provide geomagnetic products and services to industry and to academic colleagues and we use our knowledge for information and education.

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Tweets by @BGSspaceWeather

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Modelling the Earth's magnetic field, space weather hazards.


About our magnetic observatory operations, UK surveying, equipment.


Observatory data, indices, models, charts, applications.


Overviews of the Earth's magnetic field, reversals, magnetic poles.


Find out what the current global geomagnetic activity level is.

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